School Meals



Healthy Lifestyles, Healthy Children


We ask that your child only has water to drink in school. They should come to school each day with a freshly filled water bottle, which can then be re-filled from the water coolers in school.

Free milk is available for children until the day of their fifth birthday. This needs to be ordered in the School Office.


Newbridge Primary School belongs to the 'Free Fruit for Schools Scheme' which provides fruit to EYFS, and Key Stage 1 children. We encourage the children to eat healthy snacks of either fruit or vegetables during snack time.

Key Stage 2 children may bring in a healthy snack for consumption at break time. This must be a piece of fruit or vegetable.

If you are able to support the 'Free Fruit for Schools Scheme' by helping to distribute the fruit/vegetables into bowls and collecting waste please see your child's class teacher.

School meals

Newbridge Primary School has its own catering service which you are able to book in advance on the School Gateway app. Please book by midnight on Wednesday, to secure bookings for the following week. Regarding payment for school meals, these need to be paid for in advance using our electronic payment system. This will apply to children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the cost remains at £2.70 per day. Meals can be paid for online through School Gateway. All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive Universal Infant Free School Meals – so there is no charge.

The options are: vegetarian, non-vegetarian or packed lunch provided from home.

Our new menu is compliant with the Food Standards and offers fresh, healthy options - all served with our extensive range of salads including: carrot and cucumber sticks, coleslaw, rice salad, pasta salad, beetroot and olives.

Please note, if parents are in receipt of qualifying benefits (see free school meals form), again there is no charge for school meals, but parents do need to complete the attached application form so that the funding can be claimed for your child(ren). This applies to children in all year groups and will also enable additional funding to be received by the school to support all aspects of learning for your child – this is known as the Pupil Premium Grant.

Please note that if you have not ordered a school dinner for your child, you will be required to send your child in with a packed lunch.

Packed Lunches

You may prefer to send your child with a packed lunch, please ensure all lunch boxes and containers are clearly labelled with your child's name and class.

At Newbridge Primary School we ask that packed lunches do not contain nuts as we have some children in school who are severely allergic to them. We are also committed to encouraging the children to make sensible food choices as part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For ideas on what to include in packed lunches click here .

Only water is to be drunk with the packed lunch and this is provided at each meal time. Please do not send another option to school.

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