Newbridge Primary School Association

Newbridge Primary School Association (the NPSA) is our PTA. It is a registered charity, run by a Committee of elected parent volunteers. The aims of the NPSA are:


  • to bring our school community together
  • to raise money for our school


We do this by organising events and activities e.g. annual events such as the Christmas and Summer Fairs, Quiz Night, Firework Night, the Family BBQ, and one-off events, which have included a ceilidh, an 80s disco, a comedy & curry night, and a circus.

All parents and carers of children at Newbridge Primary School, as well as all members of staff, are automatically members of the NPSA.

The NPSA holds a meeting every half term, which everyone is welcome to attend. All Officers of the Committee and Class Representatives are expected to attend these meetings, or to send a delegate. The meetings are minuted and the minutes are shared via Class Reps, and they are archived here

The NPSA is governed by a written Constitution (see below).

NPSA Constitution


If you would like to get in touch with the NPSA Committee you can:

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