

The NPSA raises funds to pay for resources at Newbridge Primary School. For the past few years we have been able to commit to funding (or part-funding) the cost of the following things every year: Twinkl subscription; Forest school classes; DoodleMaths; costumes for Dance Umbrella; Year 6 lifeskills course and leavers' hoodies; school trips; snacks for children sitting SATs; and batteries for the Newbridge defibrillator. 

This normally adds up to approximately £9,000.  

In an average year we are fortunate enough to raise anything between £20,000 and £30,000 and so are able to make "extra" purchases such as the outdoor classroom in the wildwood, the lower school playground resurface and the upper school playground equipment, the new interactive screens which are now in nearly every classroom, laptops, entire reading schemes and all sorts of extras like Christmas pantomimes and trips to the theatre.


Our next big project will focus on fundraising for the school library. The school are looking to reorganise the library space in order to raise the profile of reading and make the library resources more accessible and inclusive for all, including the wider community.


As a registered charity, we submit our audited report and accounts to the Charity Commission annually, you can read those here  

The NPSA has extremely low overheads, and our running expenses are approximately £250 a year, which is made up of our insurance cover and ticketing costs. 


2023/24 Income


Scarecrow Trail & Pumpkins 


November Quiz 


Christmas Fair




100 Club  £359



New parent social


Christmas puddings 


Christmas Groto


Bath Half Marathon £3,759
Back to School Picnic £780

Cake & uniform sales 




Giving Machine £42 
Donations (corporate) £2,550









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