Ways to get involved

As a parent or carer at Newbridge Primary School, you are involved in the NPSA! Every time you attend an event, or buy a raffle ticket, or sponsor someone, you are involved in the NPSA. If you spend an hour on a stall at the Christmas fair, or behind the bar on quiz night, or clearing up the field after the family BBQ, you are involved in the NPSA. And if you decide to organise a fundraising event or activity, you are (very) involved in the NPSA. It is entirely up to you how involved you get! 

However, it is worth noting that although we have a Committee whose job it is to keep the whole show on the road, events and activities don’t happen without an enormous amount of input from lots of other people. Please don’t think that the NPSA is the Committee – it really isn’t – we need lots of people to get involved to make things happen.

There are a number of ways to get more involved in the NPSA: 


  • Speak to your class rep (or become a class rep!) to find out where help is currently needed.  
  • Read the NPSA newsletter – upcoming projects in the early stages of development will need an organising team, and projects that are a bit further along the line will need volunteers in a number of specific capacities. Details of who to contact if you’d like to help will be in the newsletter. 
  • Attend NPSA meetings – your ideas will be welcome, and we promise that we don’t “pick volunteers” from those who turn up.  
  • If you’ve got specific skills that you think we might find useful, then let your class rep know or email npsabath@gmail.com 
  • If you’ve got an idea for a fundraising event or activity, and you’re prepared to get stuck in to help make it happen, speak to your class rep or email npsabath@gmail.com  


An important note on volunteering 

We know, because we’ve been there, that volunteering for the first time can be nerve-wracking. Please don’t be put off because you think everyone else already knows each other or knows how things work behind the scenes; everyone on the Committee is really keen to welcome new faces as organisers or volunteers, and you will receive lots of support. If you volunteer, we’ll make sure we’re clear on the level of help you feel able to offer, and the amount of involvement and/or responsibility you want: you won’t be left organising the Summer Fair if all you want to do is an hour on the tombola! 

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